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Scot Kuo
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Instrumentation and image analysis for fluorescence, confocal, and electron microscopes; super-resolution microscopy; microscopy of living cells; cell migration and motility
Kwame Kutten
Senior Lecturer
[email protected]
Research Interests: Image analysis, computational anatomy, neuroscience
Xingde Li
[email protected]
Research Interests: MedTech, imaging and devices, neurophotonics and translational biophotonics
Elizabeth Logsdon
Associate Teaching Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Engineering education, design thinking, prototyping, medical device regulation, tissue engineering
Feilim Mac Gabhann
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Computational modeling of growth factor-receptor networks, personalized medicine, therapeutic cardiovascular remodeling, novel methods for data visualization and automated image analysis
Julia Massimelli Sewall
Senior Lecturer
[email protected]
Research Interests: STEM education, program development, microbiology
Michael Miller
Bessie Darling Massey Professor and Director
[email protected]
Research Interests: Data science, computational neuroscience, medical imaging, computational anatomy, pattern theory
Constanza Miranda
Associate Teaching Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Design-anthropology, medical device and systems development, engineering-design education, pre-engineering education, UX
Casey Overby Taylor
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Biomedical informatics, biomedical data science, decision support systems, precision medicine, and public health
Mihaela Pertea
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Gene finding and annotation, alternative splicing, transcriptome assembly from RNA-sequencing data
Jude Phillip
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Aging, mechanobiology, physics of cancer, cell-based biomarkers, cellular heterogeneity
Aleksander Popel
[email protected]
Research Interests: Systems biology, computational biology, computational medicine, angiogenesis, cancer, immuno-oncology, cancer immunotherapy, quantitative systems pharmacology, peripheral arterial disease
Steven Salzberg
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Computational biology, genomics, DNA sequence analysis, metagenomics, sequencing technology
Sridevi Sarma
[email protected]
Research Interests: Computational neuroscience, estimation and control theory, applications to disorders of the central nervous system and brain machine interfaces
Lawrence Schramm
Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Spinal cord regeneration, cardiovascular regulation after spinal cord injury, autonomic control systems
Reza Shadmehr
[email protected]
Research Interests: Neural control of movements in human and non-human primates, computational neuroscience
Art Shoukas
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]
Research Interests: Overall systems analysis of circulatory systems, systems physiology
Jeff Siewerdsen
John C. Malone Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Medical imaging, image-guided surgery, surgical robotics, surgical navigation, radiation therapy, radiology, computed tomography (CT), cone-beam CT (CBCT), x-ray detectors, image quality, radiation dose, neural networks, machine learning, artificial intelligence, multi-modality imaging, image registration
Jamie Spangler
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Structural and molecular immunology, protein engineering, therapeutic antibody discovery and design, targeted drug development
Web Stayman
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Medical imaging, device design and optimization, adaptive imaging, computational imaging, task-based acquisition, reconstruction, machine learning, and estimation theory
Jeremias Sulam
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Inverse problems in computer vision and signal processing, dictionary learning, machine learning and deep learning and their application to biomedical problems
Nitish Thakor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Medical instrumentation, neuroengineering, neural signal processing and clinical instrumentation, micro/nano scale sensors, devices and systems
Winston Timp
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Development and application of sequencing technologies to explore biology and diagnose disease
Natalia Trayanova
Murray B. Sachs Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Computational cardiology, machine learning in cardiology, arrhythmia therapies
Les Tung
Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Electrophysiology and arrhythmia of cardiac cell networks, cardiac tissue engineering, stem cell-derived heart cells, cardiac disease models
Josh Vogelstein
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Big data science, machine learning, statistics, network science
Xiaoqin Wang
[email protected]
Research Interests: Neurophysiology of the auditory cortex, neural mechanisms of speech perception and learning, computational neuroscience
Scott Wilson
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Biomaterials, immunoengineering, drug delivery
Kevin Yarema
Senior Lecturer
[email protected]
Research Interests: Biotechnology and clinical aspects of carbohydrate engineering
Youseph Yazdi
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests: Healthcare design, global health innovation, technology commercialization, medical devices, design education, clinical innovation

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