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News Type: All Student News

BME grads develop noninvasive deep brain stimulator to control Parkinson’s symptoms

A promising new in-home treatment for symptoms of advanced Parkinson's disease will more efficiently control the debilitating tremors and muscle stiffness without invasive therapy or even a trip to the doctor's office

BME undergrads develop contraceptive implant training kit for global health technicians

Access to long-term, reversible contraceptive in the form of a tiny implant in the arm can be a challenge in areas around the world where medical services are limited and frontline providers have minimal training.

SpiroSense offers hope to patients with respiratory illness

A low-cost, deskilled spirometer, invented by BME undergraduates, offers hope to patients struggling with respiratory illnesses in low-resource areas.

BME undergrad Miguel Dias wins at 2015 Social Venture Challenge at CGI U

Dias and his Johns Hopkins team were recognized for their Tanzania-based project, Bright Energy Africa, a social enterprise that works to convert agricultural waste into smokeless fuel briquettes.

BME undergrad wins JHU-UMD Research Day

Johns Hopkins biomedical engineering sophomore Andrew Tsai took 1st place for his oral presentation on tunable electrospun anti-microbial coatings for orthopedic implants.

PhD student Sohail Zahid receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Graduate student Sohail Zahid has been awarded a 2015 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. The selection was based on Sohail’s demonstrated potential to contribute to strengthening the vitality of the US science and engineering enterprise.

Johns Hopkins CBID design team wins global health design competition

The CBID design team competed with 23 undergraduate teams from top universities and captured first place with their improved spirometer, SpiroSense.

JHU ARCS Foundation Scholarship awarded to BME Sohail Zahid

Sohail Zahid, a graduate student in the Computational Cardiology Lab of Dr. Natalia Trayanova, has been awarded the Johns Hopkins University’s 2015–2016 ARCS Foundation Scholarship.

I-STAR researchers shine at SPIE Medical Imaging 2015

Johns Hopkins I-STAR Lab researchers, led by Jeffrey Siewerdsen, delivered outstanding talks and were awarded prizes for their research papers at the 2015 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference.

BME senior Sandya Subramanian wins Churchill Scholarship

The Churchill Scholarship is awarded annually to students who have demonstrated a capacity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics by completing original, creative work at an advanced level

BME AccuSpine probe design team scores another win

The AccuSpine pedicle probe will enable safe and accurate pedicle screw placement during surgery by providing real-time feedback when an imminent breach is detected.

Three Johns Hopkins BME doctoral students named 2015 Siebel Scholars

Research skills, academic achievements, and leadership qualities are among the qualifications evaluated in selecting Siebel Scholars each year. Five Johns...

Freshmen compete in foam core challenge

The new BME Design Studio hosts the annual BME Foam Core Challenge, introducing freshmen to biomedical design.

Student-designed tricorder diagnostics system selected as finalist in Qualcomm Xprize challenge

This global competition challenges teams to develop a consumer-friendly, mobile device capable of diagnosing and interpreting 15 conditions along with digital capture of vital health metrics.

BME graduate student Dan Wu awarded HHMI International student fellowship

The $43,000 annual award will support her research efforts to develop diffusion MRI methods to probe brain microstructural changes during brain development and injury.

BME team wins 2014 DEBUT challenge with AccuSpine probe

A pedicle probe designed by Johns Hopkins biomedical engineering undergraduate students took first place in the NIH competition and was awarded a $20,000 prize.

BME design team’s emergency blood loss prevention system receives approval for testing

The student-designed injectable foam system fills the wound area and blocks blood loss in the critical first hour prior to receipt of more advanced medical help.

BME student team develops auditory training app for cochlear implant users

Speech Banana app, now in beta testing, will expand and supplement cochlear implant training by allowing adult with CI to practice on their own.

BME EDGE helps PhD student find summer internship

This PhD candidate finds a summer internship at Genetech that mirrors his Johns Hopkins lab research. The role was found through BME EDGE —a program that enables students to explore job possibilities and refine career goals.

Calcium Signal Lab researcher and BME PhD student Manu Ben Johny receives award for top research

The Nupur Dinesh Thekdi Research Award is presented at Johns Hopkins Young Investigators Day — which celebrates the achievements of Johns Hopkins students, postdocs and research fellows.

2nd Annual JHU–UMD BMES Undergraduate Research Day

The event is designed to showcase student research projects conducted during the past academic year and to encourage and inspire classmates in the biomedical engineering programs to pursue their own research.

BME graduate student Kelly Chang awarded JHU ARCS Foundation Scholarship

The prestigious ARCS Foundation Scholarship provides $15,000 for education and research to support select, extraordinary graduate students.

BME graduate student Carmen Kut awarded the 2014 Sommerman Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award

This award recognizes outstanding performance as a graduate teaching assistant in the Whiting School of Engineering.

BME undergrad Ivan Kuznetsov named 2014 Goldwater Scholar

The coveted Goldwater Scholarship is awarded to extraordinary undergraduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics who are deemed to have a strong research profile and exceptional promise for a research career.

BME undergrads win competition with PrestoPatch, cardiac arrhythmia treatment

The 2013 Collegiate Inventor Competition winners plan to use their prize money to help launch a company to commercialize their invention.

Five Johns Hopkins students named 2014 Siebel Scholars — four from BME

In recognition of their research skills, academic achievements and leadership qualities, five Johns Hopkins PhD students were selected to be honored as 2014 Siebel Scholars.

Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering Society wins 2013 Student Chapter Commendable Achievement Award

Exemplary achievement in fostering interaction among Johns Hopkins BME students and with other student chapters cited

Johns Hopkins BME students win two top awards in BMEidea competition

EchoSure System and Gala Pump awarded first and third place, respectively, in the 2013 Biomedical Engineering Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Awards competition.

“The Ph.D. Translational Excellerator: Transitioning from the Lab to Product” is Awarded $125,000 PII Funding

JHU's PII awarded MEP seed funding of $125,000 to support its new initiative to bring scientific/medical ideas into the commercial world.

BME freshmen create art by writing python programs

As part of a class assignment BME freshmen create amazing art by writing Python programs.

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