News Type: Research
Johns Hopkins researchers establish a digital search system for pediatric brain MRI data
A searchable digital brain image data library will provide doctors the ability to access thousands of pediatric scans. Finding similar scans to those of their own patient's will enhance diagnosis and treatment of their young patients with brain disorders.
Eye movements as a predictor of behavior
Dr. Reza Shadmehr and his team explore the relationship between eye movements and decision making.
Going native — biomedical engineers take biochemistry from the test tube into living cells
Advances made by Dr. Yue’s team reveal how calcium ion channels are properly controlled in the brain, and furnish a powerful new strategy for probing similarly large and complex molecules in the body.
Rene Vidal directs the Vision, Dynamics and Learning Lab to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data
René Vidal combines biomedical imaging, computer vision, and machine learning to develop systems that will analyze vast amounts of data and unlock previously hidden information.
BME researchers testing promising drug therapy delivery method for improved treatment of central vision loss
Time-release coating allows drug for macular degeneration to last longer, decreasing need of unpleasant treatment
BME researchers employ a biophysically-detailed heart model to test optogenentic approaches on cardiac behavior
Cardiac modeling is a key component to testing optogenetics technology, providing an accurate platform for assessing the feasibility of potential optical control strategies.
Yue Lab uncovers long-sought calcium channel interfaces targetable for therapy of cardiac and neurodegenerative diseases
JHU BME faculty member Dr. David T. Yue and members of the Calcium Signals Laboratory publish a study in Nature Communications that uncovers the molecular mechanism of Ca; regulation of Calcium channels.
TTEC clinical study proves successful in cartilage repair
A recent TTEC clinical study shows that patients who received a hydrogel scaffolding implant after the surgical repair of damaged cartilage experienced reduced pain and greater tissue growth.
Nanoscale scaffolds and stem cells show promise in cartilage repair
Jennifer Elisseeff, Professor of Ophthalmology and Biomedical Engineering and the director of the Translational Tissue Engineering Center, has been working...
Li Lab biophotonics imaging technology published in PNAS
BME Professor Xingde Li, his group members YY Zhang, K Murari, JF Xi, and other collaborators at University of Texas...
Levchenko group nabs Science Signalling cover
A paper by Andre Levchenko, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and collaborators was featured on the cover of the Feb 28...
Information theory helps predict biological signaling
Andre Levchenko, associate professor of BME, and his lab have described techniques that enable use of information theory in analysis...
BME researchers develop novel approach to defibrillation
Three research labs at Hopkins—the Tung and Trayanova labs in Biomedical Engineering and the Berger lab in Cardiology—have combined forces...
Research from Trayanova lab published in Science Translational Medicine
Trayanova Lab has been collaborating with the laboratory of Dr. Colleen Clancy at UC Davis, Department of Pharmacology, as well...
Karchin paper highlighted in editorial
Rachel Karchin and colleagues have created a computer program to help predict which changes in the DNA code may cause pancreatic cells to become cancerous.
Levchenko paper highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology
Nature Nanotechnology not only published Andre Levchenko’s paper, “Subcellular-resolution delivery of a cytokine through precisely manipulated nanowires,” but also gave...
Yue lab calcium signaling study published in Nature
BME faculty member David Yue and colleagues Xiaodong Liu, Phil Yang, and Wanjun Yang, all of the Calcium Signals Laboratory,...
Heart cells display ‘nano sense’ on new lab chip
Johns Hopkins Department of Biomedical Engineering faculty Andre Levchenko and Les Tung along with colleagues in Korea have found that...
Levchenko co-author of PNAS study
BME faculty member Andre Levchenko is a co-author on a recently published PNAS study (Dec. 1, 2009) suggesting that a...
Growing bone in exact shapes
Picture series showing the bone matrix as it develops. BME faculty member Warren Grayson, along with colleagues Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic and...
Karchin computer program IDs likely cancer mutations
Johns Hopkins assistant professor of biomedical engineering Rachel Karchin and doctoral student Hannah Carter led a Johns Hopkins team that...
Shadmehr autism work featured in Nature Neuroscience
An article, “Representation of internal models of action in the autistic brain,” summarizing work by Reza Shadmehr, members of his...
Levchenko cover article, podcast in Science Signalling
Andre Levchenko has had an article featured on the cover and a podcast conversation published in recent issues of Science...
Chemical found in medical devices impairs heart function
A BME researcher's personal experience after cardiac surgery motivated a search for the cause of some common side effects of heart surgery.
“Lab on a Chip” Mimics Brain Chemistry
Johns Hopkins researchers from the Whiting School of Engineering and the School of Medicine have devised a micro-scale tool –...
BME researchers discover that dynamics may drive network evolution
Dr. Andre Levchenko along with PhD student Robert Prill, a collaborator, and an affiliated BME faculty member Pablo Iglesias, have...