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News Type: Research

Levchenko co-author of PNAS study

BME faculty member Andre Levchenko is a co-author on a recently published PNAS study (Dec. 1, 2009) suggesting that a...

Growing bone in exact shapes

Picture series showing the bone matrix as it develops. BME faculty member Warren Grayson, along with colleagues Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic and...

Karchin computer program IDs likely cancer mutations

Johns Hopkins assistant professor of biomedical engineering Rachel Karchin and doctoral student Hannah Carter led a Johns Hopkins team that...

Shadmehr autism work featured in Nature Neuroscience

An article, “Representation of internal models of action in the autistic brain,” summarizing work by Reza Shadmehr, members of his...

Popel article on cover of Physiological Genomics

Levchenko cover article, podcast in Science Signalling

Andre Levchenko has had an article featured on the cover and a podcast conversation published in recent issues of Science...

Chemical found in medical devices impairs heart function

A BME researcher's personal experience after cardiac surgery motivated a search for the cause of some common side effects of heart surgery.

“Lab on a Chip” Mimics Brain Chemistry

Johns Hopkins researchers from the Whiting School of Engineering and the School of Medicine have devised a micro-scale tool –...

BME researchers discover that dynamics may drive network evolution

Dr. Andre Levchenko along with PhD student Robert Prill, a collaborator, and an affiliated BME faculty member Pablo Iglesias, have...

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