News Type: Research
Scientists advance creation of ‘artificial lymph node’ to fight cancer, other diseases
In a proof-of-principle study in mice, PhD candidate John Hickey and scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine report the creation of a specialized gel that acts like a lymph node to successfully activate and multiply cancer-fighting immune system T-cells.
After returning from space, astronaut has no lingering, major epigenetic differences from earthbound twin brother
In a landmark study, a group of U.S. scientists from Johns Hopkins, Stanford University and other institutions has found no long-lasting, major differences between the epigenomes of astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent a year in space aboard the International Space Station, and his twin brother, Mark, who remained on Earth.
Experimental drug delivers one-two punch to vision loss
In studies with lab-grown human cells and in mice, Aleksander Popel and other Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have found that an experimental drug may be twice as good at fighting vision loss as previously thought.
Mini microscope is the new GoPro for studies of brain disease in living mice
Working with mice, a team of Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers has developed a relatively inexpensive, portable mini microscope that could improve scientists’ ability to image the effects of cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions in the brains of living and active mice over time.
New computer program reduces spine surgery errors linked to “wrong level” labeling
Researchers at Johns Hopkins report that a computer program they designed may help surgeons identify and label spinal segments during real time operating room procedures and avoid the costly and potentially debilitating consequences of operating on the wrong segment.
Study defines differences among brain neurons that coincide with psychiatric conditions
In a new study focusing on four regions of normal human brain tissue, Johns Hopkins scientists have found about 13,000 regions of epigenetic differences between neurons in different brain regions that vary by at least 10 percent.
How the brain decides whether to hold ’em or fold ’em
A team led by Sridevi Sarma, associate professor of biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins, has found that the decision to “up the ante” even in the face of long odds is the result of an internal bias that adds up over time and involves a “push-pull” dynamic between the brain’s two hemispheres.
Sweet Sensation
When graduate student Luke Osborn needed to test the fingertip sensors he’d spent years developing for prosthesis wearers, he didn’t have far to look. The ensuing collaboration and results hold big promise for amputees.
The richer the reward, the faster you’ll likely move to reach it, study shows
If you are wondering how long you personally are willing to stand in line to buy that hot new holiday gift, scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine say the answer may be found in the biological rules governing how animals typically forage for food and other rewards.
Widely used reference for the human genome is missing 300 million bits of DNA
In a new analysis, Johns Hopkins scientists say that the collective genomes of 910 people of African descent have a large chunk — about 300 million bits — of genetic material missing from the basic reference genome.
Do Robot Swarms Work Like Brains?
A new Johns Hopkins study explores navigation similarities between the mind and robot swarms.
Identical driver gene mutations found in metastatic cancers
Driver genes in different metastases from the same patient are remarkably similar, providing optimism for the success of future targeted therapies, according to a published study by Science.
3D virtual simulation gets to the ‘heart’ of irregular heartbeats
In a proof of concept study, scientists at Johns Hopkins report they have successfully performed 3D personalized virtual simulations of the heart to accurately identify where cardiac specialists should electrically destroy cardiac tissue to stop potentially fatal irregular and rapid heartbeats in patients with scarring in the heart.
Scientists create nano-size packets of genetic code aimed at brain cancer ‘seed’ cells
In a “proof of concept” study, scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have successfully delivered nano-size packets of genetic code called microRNAs to treat human brain tumors implanted in mice.
New ‘E-Dermis’ Brings Sense of Touch, Pain to Prosthetic Hands
The electronic ‘skin’ will enable amputees to perceive through prosthetic fingertips.
Grant Funds Collaborative Project to Find New Treatments for Liver Cancer
Researchers with the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine received a $3 million grant to use computational modeling and software to understand biological data, in combination with unique in vitro and animal studies, to better treat liver cancer.
C-Arms Bring 3-D to the OR
Jeff Siewerdsen and his team are advancing imaging technologies that will make surgery more precise and improve patient safety.
Decoding the brain’s learning machine
Uncovering the cerebellum’s “language” reveals workings of a biological learning machine
When There’s an Audience, People’s Performance Improves
Often people think performing in front of others will make them mess up, but a new study led by a Johns Hopkins University neuroscientist found the opposite: being watched makes people do better.
To Track Environmental Impact on Genome, Don’t Forget the “Epi” in Genetics Research
In a review article published April 5 in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientist Andrew Feinberg, M.D., calls for more integration between two fields of DNA-based research: genetics and epigenetics.
Why do some athletes choke under pressure? The answer lies deep in the brain
Olympians most likely to bring home the gold are those who find a way to stay focused, even when the stakes are high.
Lights, camera, action! New endomicroscopic probes visualize living animal cell activity
Johns Hopkins researchers report they have developed two new endoscopic probes that significantly sharpen the technology’s imaging resolution and permit direct observation of fine tissue structures and cell activity in small organs in sheep, rats, and mice.
Spinning for the win: Repetition helps Olympians stay oriented
Kathleen Cullen explains why years of practice allow elite athletes to train their brains so they can stay on balance after elaborate maneuvers.
Hopkins lab develops arrhythmia treatment
Natalia Trayanova and her team of scientists and engineers, have developed personalized 3D computational heart models. But these aren’t just the average, stagnant 3D models. These computational models can show a heart in rhythm.
New Johns Hopkins center aims to unlock genetic mysteries of breast cancer
Biomedical engineer Joel Bader and cell biologist Andrew Ewald have joined forces to make sense of some of the genetic mysteries behind breast cancer.
Single Blood Test Screens for Eight Cancer Types
Researchers in the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and the Department of Biomedical Engineering have developed a single blood test that screens for eight common cancer types and helps identify the location of the cancer.
23andMe for Trees
Johns Hopkins researchers are part of an ambitious plan to fully sequence the coast redwood and giant sequoia genomes for the first time.
Upstarts: For Heartburn…And More
Patients with chronic acid reflux and other esophageal issues run an increased risk of cancer. A fiber-optic endomicroscope developed from research done by Xingde Li is likely to significantly improve diagnosis and treatment.
So Long, Trial and Error
Natalia Trayanova explains why computer simulations are key to the future for better health care.
Computer modeling offers insight into what causes sudden cardiac death
A team led by Johns Hopkins researchers constructed a powerful new computer model that replicates the biological activity within the heart that precedes sudden cardiac death.