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News Type: Faculty

Engineering innovations reshape global health

BME’s Center for Biomedical Innovation and Design is training the next generation of engineering innovators in the best way possible — by sending them into the field to seek out new ideas.

Vikram Chib probes preferred behaviors

Findings show that when more was on the line, performance declines. Dr. Chib’s research is uncovering effective methods of encouraging preferred behaviors in high-stakes situations.

Winston Timp explores the random nature of cancer

Advanced understanding of epigenetics and electrical engineering helps Dr. Timp in detecting one of many signals emitted by the body’s carcinogenic activity.

Collaborative program between JHU and JHMI seeks to solve problems through global outreach

BME faculty and Global Engineering Innovation program director Jennifer Elisseeff plays a pivotal role in defining engineering missions in developing countries. The program is seeded by a grant from the Johns Hopkins Office of the President.

Brody Scholar Karchin assesses impact of DNA sequence variations

In her lab, the Karchin team aims to computationally model genomic alterations and identify drug targets and biomarkers for disease diagnosis and treatment.

Unraveling the genetic underpinning of disease

Dr. Michael Beer has received a five-year NIH grant to build a computational model to identify and predict regulatory elements in the human genome.

Nitish Thakor and BME alumni spinoff, Vasoptic Medical, secure Phase II funding from the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation

Commercialization of a low-cost and portable retinal imager that will permit early detection of diabetic retinopathy

Jeff Siewerdsen and the I-STAR Lab win the 2013 Spine Technology Award

The LevelCheck algorithm aims to eliminate the incidence of wrong-level spine surgery while improving workflow.

Rachel Karchin named William R. Brody Faculty Scholar

Leading-edge achievements in advancing computational methods to interpret genomic data for individualized medicine cited

Natalia Trayanova is awarded the 2013 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award for her project “virtual electrophysiology laboratory”

The award will provide up to $2.5 million over five years to support the development of a patient-specific heart modeling system.

Virtual 3-D heart model guides defibrillator placement in children

Biomedical engineer, Natalia Trayanova, and pediatric cardiologist Jane Crosson, teamed up to develop a 'virtual heart' that precision-guides defibrillator placement in children with heart defects.

Dr. Xiaofeng Jia awarded stem cell research funds from Maryland State

A $200,000 exploratory grant was awarded to Dr. Jia and collaborators for funding of research to advance the field of regenerative medicine.

Jeffrey Siewerdsen elected to the AAPM Board of Directors

Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen has been elected to serve on the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Board of Directors effective January 1, 2014.

Dr. Xiaofeng Jia awarded NIH RO1 Grant

The R01 research grant, which provides support for health-related research and development based on the NIH mission, will provide Dr. Jia $2 million in funds.

BME’s Ratnanather and Tward to be honored with Farrington Daniels Award

BME assistant research professor Tilak Ratnanather and graduate student Daniel Tward will receive recognition by the AAPM for their contribution to research in radiation dosimetry.

Dr. Jeffrey Siewerdsen is promoted to Professor

Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen has been promoted to Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Michael Miller receives Excellence in Teaching Award

BME Professor Michael I. Miller, Ph.D. has been selected to receive the Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Advising

Dr. Rachel Karchin receives National Science Foundation ABI grant

Rachel Karchin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, BME and ICM, is awarded a $695,000 grant from the National Science Foundation Advances in Biological Informatics program.

Dr. Fijoy Vadakkumpadan awarded W. W. Smith Charitable Trust Grant

Dr. Fijoy Vadakkumpadan has been awarded a $100,000 Heart Research Grant from the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust. Funds will be used to further Dr. Vadakkumpadan’s research on an alternative to clinical arrhythmia inducibility tests.

Dr. Jordan Green named 2012 Maryland Outstanding Young Engineer

Jordan J. Green, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering and the Wilmer Eye Institute, JHU School of Medicine is honored by award from the Maryland Academy of Sciences and the Maryland Science Center.

Dr. Fijoy Vadakkumpadan awarded AHA National Scientist Development Grant

The American Heart Association National Scientist Development Grant was awarded to Dr. Fijoy Vadakkumpadan of the Institute for Computational Medicine and the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Rene Vidal receives IAPR J.K. Aggarwal Prize

Associate Professor René Vidal has been awarded the 2012 J.K. Aggarwal Prize for technical contributions of far-reaching significance and impact on the field of pattern recognition or its closely allied fields.

Sridevi Sarma receives PECASE Award

Sridevi Sarma, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering has been selected to receive the 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) at the White House later this year.

Jordan Green selected to participate in NAE 2012 Symposium

Jordan Green, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering is among 78 of the nation’s brightest young engineers selected to participate in...

Eileen Haase is Pond Award winner

Jordan Green wins CMU Alumni Award

Feilim Mac Gabhann wins Sloan Fellowship

The 2012 Sloan Research Fellowship is awarded to Dr. Mac Gabhann to support development of new ways to treat major human diseases, including cancer, peripheral artery disease and HIV.

Reza Shadmehr co-authors book on Biological Learning and Control

BME faculty member Reza Shadmehr and his colleague Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi are the authors of Biological Learning and Control: How the...

Feilim Mac Gabhann wins Guyton Award

Feilim Mac Gabhann, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Institute for Computational Medicine and Department of Biomedical Engineering has been selected as the...

Xingde Li elected as SPIE Fellow

Dr. Xingde Li has been elected by the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) as a Fellow of the Society.

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