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Hopkins Biomedical Engineers Among Record Number of JHU Fulbright Recipients

June 21, 2024

Johns Hopkins has long been a top producer of Fulbright scholars, but this year’s cohort is exceptional: Twenty-six students and alumni were offered grants this spring, the largest number from Johns Hopkins in a single application cycle since the program’s inception just after World War II.

Named for U.S. Sen. J. William Fulbright, who sponsored legislation creating the prestigious scholarship, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program is the country’s largest educational exchange program, offering opportunities for students and young professionals to meet, work, live with, and learn from the people of the host country.

The program awards approximately 2,000 grants annually and operates in more than 130 countries worldwide.

Winners of the Fulbright Study/Research Award design their own research or academic course of study in a specific country. The program aims to facilitate cultural exchange and promote mutual understanding by supporting study or research abroad.

Here are the latest Fulbright Scholars from Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering:

Renee Liu. A 2022 graduate with a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering, Liu has won a research grant to the Netherlands to explore using tomography angiography (OCT-A) to measure the health of retinal blood vessels as a means to achieve earlier and less invasive detection of cardiovascular problems, a project based at the Cardiovascular Research Institute of Maastricht University. She has declined the grant having also been named a Schwarzman Scholar; read more about her Schwarzman Scholar award here.

Samhita Vasu. A 2024 graduate with a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering, Vasu has won a research grant to India to develop an at-home creatinine sensor for increasing access to early screening for chronic kidney disease, working with mentors at Mehta’s Children’s Hospital in Chennai. Read more about Vasu and her project here.

Maxwell White. An MD/PhD student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, White has won a research grant to Spain to work at the Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona to characterize novel coagulases produced by two common and frequently multidrug resistant hospital-acquired bloodstream infections.

This article originally appeared on the Hub >>

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