Course Name: Precision Care Medicine
Skin Tone Calibration of Pulse Oximeter Oxygen Saturation Data
Our project aims to enhance the accuracy of pulse oximetry readings across all skin tones to address the critical issue...
Pre-Surgical Risk Stratification using Deep Learning on 12-lead ECGs for Non-Cardiac Populations
Surgical decision-making is critically dependent on accurate assessments of risk, but the effectiveness of electrocardiography (ECG) in evaluating surgical risks...
Resisting Resistance: Using Machine Learning to Optimize Antibiotic Treatment
We are using machine learning to help clinicians decide on whether to broaden the antibiotic spectrum by assessing the risk...
Dynamic Risk Profiling in Patients with Cardiac Inflammatory Syndrome
Development of machine learning models that predict ICU admission for children with Cardiac Inflammatory Syndromes to improve clinical outcomes.
Uncovering Predictors of Neonatal Brain Injury Using Machine Learning
This poster represents the work in Identifying predictors of three patient outcomes of Neonatal Brain Injury using Machine Learning made...
Predicting Successful Weaning Outcomes of Patients on MV Using EHR Data and Physiological Waveforms
Physiological waveforms are used to train a model to predict extubation outcome in order to help physicians predict when to...
Prediction of Mobility After Stroke
Predictive models of mobility recovery and adverse event risk following stroke.
Data-driven Modeling to Improve Pulmonary Hypertension Risk Stratification
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is characterized by a mean pulmonary arterial (PA) pressure greater than 20 mmHg. The inability of the...
Predicting Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit
We aim to develop a model that can accurately predict independence from mechanical ventilation with an end-goal of supporting clinician’s...
Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Cardiac Arrest Outcome Using a Large Multi-Center Database
Cardiac arrest (CA) is a leading cause of death and poses a significant risk of long-term neurological disability due to...
Using Machine Learning Models to Predict the Likelihood of Patient Readmission to ICU
Intensive care units (ICUs) cater to individuals with severe injuries and illnesses. Therefore, the patients within suffer from acute anatomic...
Quantitative Assessment of TMJD-Induced Sleep Disorders and Prediction of Therapy Effectiveness
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) is one of the most common orofacial pain conditions, affecting an estimated six to 12 percent...
Physiologic Responses to Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Critically-Ill Pediatric Patients at a University PICU between 2014-2015
In critical care units across the world blood transfusion decisions currently rely heavily on a patient’s hemoglobin concentration, though there...
Analytics of Prediction for Insomnia and Cognitive Impairment
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the United States and affects approximately 60 million Americans. Patients with insomnia...
A Pulse Arrival Time Based Method to Establish Blood Pressure Limits of Autoregulation and Optimal Blood Pressure in Individual Patients During Surgery
The regulation of blood flow into peripheral organ systems is imperative to maintain adequate perfusion and prevent tissue damage. The...
Team Alpaca
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of mortality and permanent neurological disability in the world, with over 50...
Team Blue Jays
Delirium is an acute onset of global brain dysfunction. It is extremely prevalent in hospitals, particularly in ICUs, affecting up...
Team Cool Monkey
Hypoxemia is defined as an abnormally low level of oxygen in arterial blood. It is commonly diagnosed among general Intensive...
Team Giraffe
Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs when decreased renal perfusion or toxins cause glomerular or renal tubular damage. While often somewhat...
Team Mola Mola
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a preventable condition that includes both pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT). VTE is...
Team Polar Bear
Mechanical ventilation is a critical and often life-saving treatment required by patients with respiratory failure. However, during mechanical ventilation, a...