Genomics and Systems Biology is a discipline rooted in biomedical engineering that devotes advanced mathematical and modeling approaches to understand how the multiple scales that make up the human body maintain health and contribute to disease. Understanding life begins at the smallest of scales requiring a detailed understanding of how molecules assemble into the molecular machines that create cells that in turn constitute the tissues and organs that make up the human body. Understanding these multi-scale interactions is a staggering challenge that requires new approaches that combine network analysis theory with new ways of visualizing and manipulating biological networks across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Below, you will find a suggested list of courses to help you in your course planning. Your academic interests determine the remaining courses (focus area electives). You will meet with the faculty lead of your chosen focus area to determine your course plan. The program administrator will provide additional advisement and course approval. Please note that all listed courses are suggested and may not always be offered. Course offerings are subject to change from semester-to-semester.