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News Brief: Natalia Trayanova’s Cardiac “Digital Twins” Featured in Wall Street Journal

May 22, 2024
Natalia Trayanova

Natalia Trayanova, Murray B. Sachs Professor of Biomedical Engineering, was featured in a story entitled “A ‘Digital Twin’ of Your Heart Lets Doctors Test Treatments Before Surgery” in The Wall Street Journal. The article describes Trayanova’s role at the forefront of digital twin technology, a $1.6 billion healthcare market that many clinicians believe has the potential to revolutionize patient care within the next five to ten years. Generated using patient-specific data such as medical images, digital twins, or virtual replicas of patient anatomy, allow researchers such as Trayanova to model treatments and predict patient responses before treatment begins. Trayanova is currently leading a clinical trial to test simulation-driven treatments for cardiac arrhythmias using computational models of patient hearts.

Trayanova directs the Alliance for Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Treatment Innovation, is a member of the Institute for Computational Medicine, and leads the Computational Cardiology Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. She has received widespread recognition for her work, including honors such as the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, election to the National Academy of Inventors, induction in the Women of Technology International Hall of Fame, and fellowship in many national and international societies. Most recently, Trayanova was selected as an Academy Fellow by the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS). The Academy, launched in 2021, represents the diversity and excellence of worldwide physiology. Its mission is to advance physiological research and teaching and its translation into benefits for health and society.

Click here to learn more about Trayanova and her research.

Associated Faculty: Natalia Trayanova

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