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MSE Design

The Department of Biomedical Engineering’s Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design administers a one-year master’s program that allows students to work closely with physicians at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine to identify clinically relevant problems, and to design and build products to solve these problems. This process involves ideation, developing prototypes, researching intellectual property, writing business plans, and presenting designs to fellow students, faculty, and outside advisors.

Students in this master’s program will design healthcare solutions that could change the lives of people around the world. As such, the program involves international travel to low-resource countries to promote interactions with the end users of these healthcare solutions.

As technology commercialization is another central component of this program, students will interact with clinical and corporate sponsors to develop their leadership, communication, and marketing skills for future professional success.

CBID master’s students also work closely with undergraduates in the BME Design Team course, providing guidance and support throughout the school year.

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