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Training Grants

The Department of Biomedical Engineering supports some students through the following training grants. Click through to learn more.

Training Program for Hearing and Balance

The Training Program in Hearing and Balance provides research training to pre-doctoral and postdoctoral students in the Center for Hearing and Balance. Focus areas include neurophysiology, human and animal behavior, theoretical and computational biology, neuroanatomy, molecular physiology, and cellular physiology minorities.

Biomedical Engineering Training Program

With eight slots available for pre-doctoral training, the Biomedical Engineering Training Grant Program offers selected students educational funding for the rigorous demands of the Johns Hopkins biomedical engineering graduate program. The cornerstone of the BME program is the in-depth training of students in life sciences, modern engineering, mathematics, and computer science, and in the conduct of original research leading to the doctoral dissertation.

Training Program in Neuroengineering

The NeuroEngineering Training Initiative at Johns Hopkins seeks to balance engineering, mathematics, and computer science with molecular, cellular, and systems neuroscience. The program leverages educational and research resources of both the engineering and medical schools.

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