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Undergraduate Degree Requirements

The BME undergraduate program contains a set of “core knowledge,” defined and taught by the faculty, that future biomedical engineers should possess. The core includes courses in molecular and cellular biology, linear systems, biological control systems, modeling and simulation, thermodynamic principles in biology, and engineering analysis of systems level biology and physiology. Building on these core subjects, each student then takes a cohesive sequence of advanced engineering courses appropriate to one of seven focus areas: Biomedical Data Science; Computational Medicine; Genomics & Systems Biology; Imaging & Medical Devices; Immunoengineering; Neuroengineering; and Translational Cell & Engineering. The following degree requirements apply to students entering in fall 2024. Degree requirements for previous year of entry are found in the archived e-catalog or the BME Undergraduate Canvas.

The BS degree in biomedical engineering requires 129 credits. For an in-depth look at our requirements, please refer to the BME e-catalogue and BME Undergraduate Program Canvas.
First Year Seminar (Design) (2 credits)
  • 501.124 FYS: Design Cornerstone
Basic Sciences (18 credits)
  • 030.101 Introductory Chemistry I
  • 030.105 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
  • 030.102 Introductory Chemistry II
  • 030.106 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
  • 171.101 General Physics: Physical Science Majors I
  • 173.111 General Physics Laboratory I
  • 171.102 General Physics II: Physical Science Majors II
  • 173.112 General Physics Laboratory II
Mathematics (20 credits)
  • 110.108 Calculus I
  • 110.109 Calculus II
  • 110.202 Calculus III
  • 553.291 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
  • One semester of 300-level or higher statistics
    • (EN.553.311 is typical, see E-Catalogue for approved list)
Humanities and Social Sciences (18 credits)

These courses should form a coherent program, relevant to the student’s goals, with at least one course at the 300-level or higher.

Biomedical Core Knowledge (32 credits)

Building on the foundation of this core curriculum, each student is required to take a cohesive sequence of advanced engineering encompassing:

  • 580.111 Health and Human Physiology
  • 580.151 Cellular and Molecular Foundations
  • 580.221 Biochemistry and Molecular Engineering & Lab
  • 580.240 Introduction to Biomedical Data Science
  • 580.241 Statistical Physics
  • 580.242 Biological Models and Simulations
  • 580.243 Linear Signals and Systems
  • 580.246 Systems and Controls
  • 580.248 Systems Biology of the Cell
  • Choose four:
    • 580.324 Neuroengineering Laboratory
    • 580.351 Immunoengineering Laboratory
    • 580.352 Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory
    • 580.354 Nucleic Acid Sequencing Laboratory
    • 580.375 & 377 Biomedical Data Science and Laboratory
    • 580.385 & 387 Computational Medicine: Cardiology and Laboratory
    • 580.394 Build an Imager
  • Career Exploration in BME
Focus Area (18 credits)

Building on the foundation of this core curriculum, each student is required to take a cohesive sequence of advanced engineering encompassing one of seven biomedical engineering focus areas. A student’s choice of focus area is made before the start of the sophomore year, and is based on their experience with the biomedical engineering core courses and how they wish to apply their skill, knowledge, and passion. 

Learn more about our focus areas and courses

Design (8 credits)

Among the focus area elective courses offered, at least 6 credits must come from an approved list of design options. There are many year-long, team-based courses, spanning a variety of focus areas and departments, that satisfy this requirement.

  • 580.311 & 580.312 Design Team Health-Tech Project I and Design Team Health-Tech Project II
  • 580.411 & 580.412 Design Team Health-Tech Project I and Design Team Health-Tech Project II
  • 580.437 & 580.438 Biomedical Data Design and Biomedical Data Design II
  • 580.471 & 580.571 Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation and Honors Instrumentation Project
  • 580.480 & 580.481 Precision Care Medicine I and Precision Care Medicine II
  • 660.345 & 660.346 Multidisciplinary Engineering Design 1 and Multidisciplinary Engineering Design 2
  • 530.403 & 530.404 MechE Senior Design Project I and MechE Senior Design Project II (MechEng Dept approval)
Computer Programming (3 credits)

Students will choose one of the fundamental programming language courses – Python or Java.

  • 500.113 Gateway Computing: Python
  • 580.112 Gateway Computing: Java
Free Electives (10 credits)

Students may choose any courses taken at JHU.  Research, Intersession, courses required for medical school (i.e. Orgo I, Orgo II, and Lab) or those appropriate for interests outside or within biomedical engineering (double majors, minors, music, language, and business) are typical.

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